Monday 19 February 2018

6 Ideas To Promote A Job Opening

A Guide By One Of The Best Recruitment Agency In Germany

Relying on career building websites to fill the job openings in your company is not a bad thing. Many companies are doing this but is it enough? Well! The answer is no. Most of the employers nowadays use digital job boards in order to advertise their job openings. The problem with this method is that with thousands of other listings being posted alongside yours, there is no sure way to know whether your ad is being seen by the potential employees.

In such scenarios, the biggest dilemma is how to bring quality candidates to the interview table. Due to such hindrances, many companies are going for Recruitment Agencies in Germany which is a tension free, cost effective and faster way of getting the best person for the job. Apart from this, there are a lot of things which you can do to land the perfect candidate.
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1. Set Up Referrals. This is one of the best ways to get to the best in the market. There is a good chance, that your existing employees have excellent industry contacts which you can take advantage of. You can invite your employees to join your recruitment drive by asking them to submit the referrals for particular job profiles with bonuses attached to the successful hiring of referred candidates. It is seen that the internal recommendations from employees make the best leads and are most likely to get converted.

2. Do a Little Research Of Your Own. Nothing in this world comes easy unless you go for a Recruitment Agency in Germany and let them do the job for you. In other cases, posting a job opening in the social media is not enough. Rather than waiting for resumes to come to you, take initiative and target the kind of people on social media and networking websites which you think would be perfect for your job profile.
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3. Post A Video. Judging companies based on the text ads alone is as difficult as sifting through thousands of resumes to find the candidates that sound most promising. As they say, a picture is worth thousand words and a video is worth thousand pictures. Posting a small promotional video not only showcases your company but gives the candidates a fair idea about your business and culture of the organization.

4. Hold An Open House. This could be done if you own a small company. Having an open house means inviting the local candidates to come and have a talk with you and your team in a casual environment. This could help you save a lot of time which you might spend on reading the resumes and would make it easy for you to spot on the better performing and more engaging people. You can then take it further with these shortlisted candidates.
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5. Attend Industry Conferences. These are one of the best places to have a casual talk with potential employees or to simply spot potential talent on the basis of their conduct and the way they are taking part in the discussion. You can find promising candidates here.

6. Revisit Your Rejection List. There must be a lot of candidates. who left your company on good terms or those who were almost hired but could not join. Revisiting these can fast track your hiring as you do not have to get to know these candidates from scratch. You have wanted them in past and hence it would take you less time to choose a potential candidate from this list.

Thursday 8 February 2018

5 Things Recruiters Should Not Say To The Candidates

A guide by one of the best Headhunters in Germany

Of all the recruitment articles, one sees, there is a great deal of discussion around do’s and don’ts for the candidate. But there is another important dimension that should not be neglected. As one of the top Headhunters in Germany, we have learnt a great deal regarding what a recruiter should avoid saying to the candidate in an interview.

As someone who has worked in German Recruiting agencies for a long time, we know that  we are all human and are hence as likely to utter something silly as the candidate. So, here are the top 5 things which any recruiter should absolutely avoid saying in an interview:

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1. “Which Celebrity Would Be Best Suited To Play You In A Movie?”

There could other questions like “In a fight, who do you think would win, a bear or a shark?” It is a humble request to all the recruiters, please do not ask such questions of the candidate. We 100 percent support all the fun and originality you want to bring in the interview, but such obscure questions are nothing short of toe-curling.

Such questions do not help in ascertaining anything valid about the candidate’s ability to think and react in a particular business situation. It does not reveal anything worth knowing about their personality. There are a lot of other means to help you find out whether a candidate is a cultural fit or not.

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2. “We’re Looking For A Ninja.”

You might as well be looking for a rockstar as well. Let’s be honest. You are recruiting for an entry level retail job but use this phrase only if you are planning to embarrass your candidate.  Try to step into his shoes and imagine what you would reply to such phrase, “Oh yes sir, I sure am a ninja and would not only do my job but also entertain your clients with some A class ninja stunts.” Injecting a certain level of personality into the interview is fine but not to an extent that it gets ridiculous.
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3. “I Wanted To Reach Out To You.”

This in particular has fast become the recruitment phrase de jour. This in short is a synonym for ‘contact’. But the problem with this phrase is that, it makes the candidate feel that he is in some destitute position from where he needs to be rescued. A word of advice here, ‘Abandon this phrase.’ I am sure, you can come up with something better than this.

4. “My Client Implies Business So There Is No Time To Waste.”

This phrase is as pushy as it is harsh. It is someone’s career we are talking about. Being in a hurry may help you save a bit time in your recruitment process but if you really want the market’s best talent, you need to be patient. Treat your candidates like stars. Do not urge them to take any decision in haste.

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5. “Do You Have Experience With ASP.NET?”

It is more or less like asking someone, do you know C hashtag. Always gain enough knowledge around the skill set of the candidate and also the skills you are recruiting for. For this you do not need to be an expert in the field but you should know enough to have an intelligent and healthy discussion with the candidate. This would not only help you understand candidate’s strength in the skill you are looking for but will also make him excited to work with you in future.

Contacts & Management -The Best Headhunters In Germany

Difference Between A Headhunter And Recruiter When a firm hires a headhunter, they hold the responsibility of identifying the talent and q...