Friday 22 February 2019

Working From Home – Why Business Firms Are Still Unconvinced About This Employ Option

With an increasing number of employees today seeking more flexible work schedules, it is not really surprising that business organizations are considering the different types of employment options for maximum productivity. In this context the provision of flexible working hours as well as a more relaxed and comfortable work environment have gained much popularity. However, not many companies seem to be too keen about adapting the concept of allowing their employees to work from home. According to the data collected by the professionals from the top 10 recruitment company Germany, most employees feel that encouraging this trend might prove disadvantageous for their establishment in the long run. The reasons behind the development of this idea are discussed below.
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Detachment From Management And Company Culture

Allowing the employees the freedom to work from home makes it extremely difficult for an organization to manage them and monitor their performance. This wrecks havoc with all the standard strategies established by the business organization for the efficient management of its workforce. In fact, organizations are often required to look beyond the traditional management strategies to maintain the accountability of such employees. This can impact the company culture in a negative manner as the chances of relationship formation and camaraderie between co-workers will suffer. The overall result will be development of a weak company culture which will prove disadvantageous for the organizations.
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Alienation From Developments Within The Company

Most employees opting to work from home tend to work in seclusion, which often alienate them from the everyday developments within the organization. Even though the use of technology tools can help such employees maintain connectivity with their workplace, the experience is not the same as being there in person. In fact, in most such cases, the managers have to make double sure that the information of key developments within the organization reach the employees working from home, well in time. This can be quite frustrating for the managers as they feel burdened by this additional responsibility, which they might consider totally unwarranted.

Reliance On The Sense Of High Self- Discipline Of The Employees

Allowing the employees to work from home, means that the companies are expected to put their faith in the sense of high self-discipline of the employees. This can prove to be extremely risky as not all individuals can be trusted to remain as committed to their work outside the office as they are within it. In fact, the experts from the top recruitment company Germany, have observed that the attention of employees tends to wane easily when there is no manager around to keep an eye on their work. This can not only affect the overall efficiency and performance of the employees in question but also of the organization itself.
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Lesser Control Over Employee Actions

When an organization permits its employees, to work from home, the level of control they can exercise on their actions becomes significantly limited. This essentially means that the employees cannot prevent the employees from carrying out personal tasks when they should be working in their assigned projects. The companies also have no way of knowing whether or not such employees are working dedicatedly only for their organization or are being employed by other establishments as well. The organizations simply have to trust the information provided by the employees about their actions and activities. This can breed a sense of distrust between the employees and management especially if there is even the slightest deterioration in employee performance.

Even though providing the flexibility of working from home to the employees occasionally can prove beneficial for an organization, it might not work well on a long term basis. That is why most organizations are not too keen to adapt this method of employment on a permanent basis.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Qualities That Employers Seek In Candidates For Fulfilling Financial Roles

In most business organizations, efficient management of financial issues plays a key role in its overall growth and success. That is why companies tend to be overcautious while choosing the right candidates for fulfilling various financial positions. In fact it is not uncommon for the hiring organizations to provide extensive details of the key skills and qualities they are looking for in such professionals to the top headhunting company in Germany they partner with. Most professionals seeking a coveted financial position within an organization believe that having an extensive knowledge of financial management will be enough to help them land the job. However, there are other key skills that organizations seek in professionals they feel well worthy of handling major financial responsibilities. Discussed below are three of these most important qualities.
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Ability To Think Analytically

Organizations today are required to gather and handle huge volumes of data and information. This information plays an extremely vital role in helping make the right business decisions. Unlike the earlier times, financial professionals today need to possess the ability to make sense of the enormous data they come across on a daily basis. In addition, they also need to be able to use the information thus filtered out for providing effective solutions to problems and making key decisions. Therefore it is not surprising that hiring organizations today seek candidates with an analytical thinking ability that centres around logic and reasoning. The employers today believe that this skill can help finance professionals to identify the issues and challenges faced by the organization and also to devise the most appropriate solutions for the same on a case by case basis.
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Practical Leadership Skills

Traditional workplace environments are increasingly giving way to modern concepts of telecommunication, hot-desk working and open plan transparency. This has also led to revolutionizing the traditional leadership roles, with the managers expected to lead their teams by example rather through instruction. This new leadership concept is applicable across all divisions within an organization, including the financial department. That is why the finance professionals today need to have practical leadership skills that can help them win the respect of their subordinates besides motivating them in an exemplary manner. In fact, the leading agencies offering headhunting Germany services are of the opinion that the presence of practical leadership skills in prospective financial leaders is essential for creating an environment of cooperation and fairness within the organization.  

Such candidates are capable of leading their teams from the front while also establishing positive communication with the team members. Nothing motivates a team more than working with a leader who is not afraid of rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty. Moreover, the candidates with practical leadership skills understand the importance of building strong relationships with their subordinates based on mutual trust and honesty for creating a highly effective team. The awareness of all these factors naturally makes organizations seek financial leaders having this specific trait.
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Excellent Relationship Management Skills

Financial executive are no longer required to spend the better part of their career sitting in front of a computer screen and analyzing financial data and figures. Modern organizations are highly dependent on strong professional networks and relationships and finance professionals need to make an equal contribution in this respect. That is why business organizations today prefer to hire professionals having excellent relationship management skills. In fact, these professionals are expected to possess a specific set of social skills which include problem-solving, emotional intelligence, empathy, negotiation and persuasion. This is because these professionals are often required to interact with a diverse set of people who can deeply impact organizational growth and profitability in a significant manner. That is why people with great interpersonal skills are most likely to succeed in this sector.

Monday 11 February 2019

Calling Pointless Meetings - Why Business Firms Need To Do Away With This Working Policy

In business organizations, calling meetings is an integral part of a normal workday. The reasons for calling these meetings can vary from discussing strategy issues to making new policy announcement or even to simply introduce a new team member. Unfortunately, many of the tasks for which these official get-togethers are held are too insignificant in the modern work environment. That is why the professional consultants from the leading German recruitment agencies, advice their clients about minimizing the number of such meetings within organisations. This request is justified by the fact that most such gatherings impact the productivity of employees, especially when the meetings are called for something that can be easily accomplished through the use of technology.
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Why Meetings Have Become Pointless?

The concept of meetings was extremely relevant in times when the only means of inter-office communication was through face to face interaction between the employees. However, the advances in technology have long since solved this problem and in the modern times it is possible to communicate to an entire group of people in real time without gathering them in one room. In fact it is possible for a group of people to share data and information and data across the entire team without moving from their workstation. Hence calling meetings for such reasons has become a completely pointless activity within business organizations. At the same time, some meetings, such as the ones called to discuss policy matters etc, are still critical for the optimum working of an organization.
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Reasons That Make Everyday Meetings Pointless

According to the top professionals employed by the leading headhunters Germany, there is at least one meeting going on within a business organization at any given point of time. These professionals believe that in most such cases, the meetings are used by the managers to merely ascertain their significant position within the hierarchical structure of the organization to their subordinates, making such gatherings totally pointless. The other reasons that make a majority of meetings pointless are discussed in brief as follows.
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They Distract The Employees From Their Assigned Tasks

Whenever a meeting is called, the participating employees are expected to prepare data and details relevant to the agenda. This distracts them from completing the tasks that have been assigned to them, and which might be more important. In case the purpose of a meeting is simply to get an update on the current project from each team member, using technological tools such as email, messenger, video calling etc are definitely more viable options. The same holds true for meeting that are called to make new policy announcements or to share other updates.
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They Result In Wastage Of Time

Organizing even the most informal meetings requires investment of time and effort. This naturally leads to wastage of valuable man hours of the participating employees. The wastage is not only in terms of the time that the employees actually spend at the meeting, but also in terms of the time they waste in discussing its agenda. In addition, many participating employees tend to while away a considerable amount of time just before and after the meeting discussing other official or even personal issues with their peers, further adding to the overall time wastage, which could be used and accomplishment of important tasks.
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It Derails The Priority Scheduling Of The Employees

One of the most damaging effects of meetings, especially the unplanned ones is that they upset the work schedules of most employees. In fact most managers fail to consider the work schedules of their team members before planning a meeting. This often means that the employees are expected to reschedule their tasks around the meeting, the only purpose of which might to inform the participants about a new policy update.

Saturday 9 February 2019

Useful Tips For Management Level Executives To Build Good Bond With Their Juniors

Most modern workplace environments are relationship driven, which essentially means that their success depends on the kind of relationships shared between peers and even between managers and subordinates. In order to create a truly motivating and enjoyable work environment, it is important for the management level professionals to work towards enhancing interaction with their peers and juniors. Adapting this approach is essential for building a good morale at the workplace besides developing a sense of mutual respect and value amidst co-workers. Discussed below are four effective tips as suggested by the expert professional from the best recruitment agency Germany that can help managers to build good workplace relationships. 
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Be Sure To Respect Other People’s Time

Most managers have this tendency of considering their time to be more valuable than their peers and subordinates. In fact, it is not uncommon for managers to keep their co-workers waiting, while they complete totally insignificant tasks. Most managers use this method deliberately to stress their superiority or simply to show off their authority. Sometimes, the managers might even choose the waste the time of their co-workers by bombarding them with totally irrelevant questions or seeking completely unnecessary frequent updates about the progress of a task. Sadly all these actions tend to alienate the managers from their peers and subordinates. Hence it is important for the managers to learn to respect other people’s time as it can prove to be the first step in the direction of building strong workplace relationships.
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Have A Positive Approach Towards Things

People rarely like to work with a negative person, which why it is important for the managers to develop a positive approach towards things. They need to always beer in mind that the people they deal with at their workplace are all part of the organizational workforce. Hence criticizing them or complaining about their work is not going to prove beneficial for the organization in any manner. Rather it will sow dissent and discord amongst co-workers, which will have a deeply negative impact on the overall growth of the company. On the other hand having a positive approach will enable the managers to focus on the strengths and achievements of their co-workers and this can help strengthen their morale and help them to overcome their weaknesses.
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Communication Is The Key To Success

According to the professionals offering the services of executive search Germany, free and frank communication plays an extremely important role in building strong workplace relationships. Lack of proper communication can not only create misunderstandings but also result in increased stress and confusion. That is why it is important for the managers to ensure that they maintain open channels of communication with their peers and subordinates on a professional as well as personal level. The communication might not necessarily be conducted through personal interaction only, but can also involve the use of technology tools such as e-mails, messengers and even phone calls. The managers should also take the initiative of approaching their co-workers to learn about the problems, needs and expectations.
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Give And Take Regular Feedback

It is quite common for managers to give feedback to their juniors about their performance and other professional matters. However, only a handful of managers feel inclined to take a similar feedback from their co-workers. Seeking feedback is as important as giving it as it helps the managers to learn about what they are doing right and things that they need to improve upon. However, in order to gain an honest feedback, it is important for the managers to make themselves approachable and accessible to their co-workers. This means that the people providing the feedback should not feel threatened of facing any dire consequences in case they are critical of specific habits of the managers.

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