Friday 26 April 2019

Four Things Recruiters Need To Remember While Composing Job Posting Ads

Posting job ads is still one of the most effective ways of attracting potential candidates for a available position within an organization. However, unlike the earlier times, posting of such ads is no longer restricted to newspapers and career magazines. In fact, in the modern times more jobs are posted online than in the more traditional media. However, many times despite their extensive job posting activities, recruiters are not able to attract the right candidates for the specified jobs. The professionals from the top executive search agency Germany believe that this is often due to the tendency of the recruiters to overlook the below discussed important factors while composing such ads.
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Wrong Presentation Of Company Culture

Company culture has come to play a key role in attracting top talent towards the hiring organizations. This often makes the recruiters go overboard while offering details about the company culture in their job posting. The idea is to present the organization in a positive light to make the candidates feel content about taking up the job offer. However, sugar-coating things will only lead to loss of time, money and effort in the hiring process as the candidates will become aware of the truth as soon as they join the organization. This will make them feel not only dejected but also cheated leading them to quit the position at the earliest.
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Avoid Talking About Benefits And Perks

Most recruiters feel that a job ad is not the right place to provide information about the benefits and perks associated with a specific position. However, this is sure to drive the candidates away more than anything else. The benefits and perks are in fact considered by many to be the real selling points in a job ad. They help the candidates assess the suitability of the proposed position not only with respect to their own skills and competence but also in accordance to the expected responsibilities and duties associated with the job. So it is highly advisable for the recruiters to use the job ads to flaunt whatever benefits and perks they will be offering to the candidates willing to join the organization.
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Overloading The Ad With Meaningless Buzzwords

Many times even the top recruiters from the best recruitment company Germany are tempted to use some fancy words in the job ad content. However, rather than making the ad sound more informative, these meaningless buzzwords can actually be the cause of confusion for prospective candidates. In most cases, the use of these words makes it difficult for the candidates to understand the requirements and responsibilities of the job position. They are thus less likely to apply for posts which they feel have been described in too vague manner.
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Overlooking The Significance Of Mobile Recruitment

Mobile recruitment has become an integral part of the modern hiring process and recruiters who fail to understand its significance have to pay a costly price. Overlooking the need to compose mobile friendly ads often results in lot opportunities for recruiters to target the right candidates in an effective and timely manner. Moreover, it prevents them from harnessing the vast potential of the ever expanding market of mobile using professionals.

Monday 15 April 2019

Effective Ways For Organizations To Keep Their Employees Motivated

While there are different employee management challenges that business organizations struggle with, a high turn-over rate definitely tops the list. This not only leads the organizations to spend a considerably greater amount of time and effort invested in attracting and hiring the best candidates, but also causes frequent workflow interruptions leading to low productivity. Lack of a motivating work environment has emerged as one of the key contributors towards the high turnover rates. According to the leading experts from the top recruitment agencies Germany, just implementing the right strategies to keep the employees motivated can help companies to increase the retention rates significantly. Discussed below are some such strategies that can prove effective in this context.
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Set Challenging Yet Reasonable Targets

Target setting is intrinsic to the smooth functioning of an organization. However, it is important for the organization to ensure that the targets assigned to the employees are not only in tandem with their skills and career objectives but also reasonable. While the set targets should be challenging enough for the employees, they should not be too difficult or impossible to achieve. Having challenging yet reasonable targets tend to motivate the employees to perform their best and win the approval of their seniors.
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Promote The Sense Of Team Spirit

When a group of employees are made to work together as a single unit, they tend to feel naturally motivated and inspired by watching each other.  It not only makes them feel inclusive in the growth and development of the organization but also helps them to learn and improve. In addition, promoting the sense of team spirit helps in ensuring seamless workflow between employees across different levels and departments within the organization.
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Offer A Better Work-Life Balance

Almost every company offering the service of executive search Germany, stresses on the importance of ensuring a better work-life balance for the employees by their clients. For this, the business organizations need to adapt a flexible work environment where the employees are allowed to explore their creativity and innovation. This is not as difficult as it may seem especially given the fact that most companies today make extensive use of technology. This technology can be used to help the employees stay connected and updated even when they are not able to work in a regular office environment.
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Provide Guidance And Support When Needed

It is not uncommon for employees to suppress their innovative ideas and opinions about important issues due to the fear of being rejected or reprimanded. This can be extremely de-motivating and even stressful for the employees. That is why it is important for the top managers within an organization to create an environment where their subordinates can express their ideas and opinions in a free and frank manner. In addition, they should provide support and guidance to the employees, even if their ideas cannot be implemented.
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Develop Leaders Not Bosses

The most important strategy that business organizations need to implement for keeping their employees motivated is to invest in the development of leaders not bosses. Leaders, unlike bosses tend to generate trust and loyalty amongst their followers. The followers feel naturally motivated by the actions and activities of the leaders.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

3 Key Mistakes That Hiring Organizations Should Avoid Making During Mobile Recruiting

The number of people using mobile devices for internet access has far surpassed those still using desktops and laptops. This has deeply impacted several aspects of life of common people including the manner in which they search for the dream jobs. Consequently, almost every recruitment company in Germany is looking to tap the potential of this ever expanding market for finding and hiring the best candidates across various niches. With mobile recruiting having become a key hiring strategy, the competition within this sector is becoming extremely tough. Thus it has become necessary for the hiring organizations to avoid the below discussed key mistakes to maximize the benefits of using this technology.
Using Job Postings Not Adapted To The Mobile Environment

One of the greatest reasons behind the growing popularity of mobile usage is the high level of convenience it offers. However, the failure of the recruiters to adapt the job postings to the mobile environment negates the whole idea of convenience. This is because the smaller screens of the mobile devices make navigating a regular web post extremely difficult. In addition, the short attention span of the mobile users makes them feel overwhelmed if they have to scan through the multiple pages of a long job post as it appears on their small screen. Hence ensuring the mobile compatibility of the job post is extremely essential for recruiters looking to entice the right candidates and help them understand the requirements and responsibilities associated with the given position.

Absence Of A Mobile Career Portal

Most recruiters are of the opinion that investing in a mobile career portal is an unnecessary expense that they can do without. However, they fail to understand the fact the career portal can act as a medium of communication between them and the prospective candidates. The portal adds value to the overall process of mobile recruiting in more than one way. It helps the prospective candidates to seek additional information about the job posting they might be interested in on a one-to-one basis. This can in turn impact the overall interview-hire ratio and make the task of targeting the right candidates relatively easier for the recruiters. Thus investing in a mobile career portal can prove highly advantageous, especially in terms of reaching out to and hiring the young professionals from the millennial generation.
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Failure To Incorporate Data Into Mobile Recruitment

Efficient data incorporation is an integral part of every successful hiring strategy, including mobile recruiting. However, it is not uncommon for even the top experts from the best headhunting company Germany to take this aspect of mobile recruitment for-granted. This failure to incorporate data into the mobile recruitment strategies can deeply impact its efficiency. This is because the recruiters will not be able to determine which messages and channels are providing the desired results and which are proving to be ineffective. In absence of appropriate data to support candidate search, the recruiters might actually end up targeting the wrong candidates or using the inappropriate methods. These seemingly insignificant aspects can cripple the entire mobile recruitment process. Most importantly it can in the loss of credibility of the recruiters and drive away most talented candidates.

Friday 5 April 2019

A Comprehensive Overview Of Growing Use Of Social Media In Recruitment Process

The recruitment industry is increasingly becoming candidate focused and this has rendered obsolete the traditional methods of hiring. The trend is further fuelled by the large scale internationalization of businesses. Amidst the growing demand for international recruitments, social media has emerged as an important hiring tool. In fact the channels are being used by the German recruitment agencies to such a great extent that it has eliminated the competitive advantage for organization having a strong social media presence. However, despite the saturation of the channels, the use of social media as a vital recruitment platform has not declined in the least.
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Understanding The Significance Of Social Media

Gone are the days, when social media was used primary to help people stay connected. Today these technology driven interactive channels have become an integral part of the everyday life of a common individual. In fact, a majority of people across all age groups are known to spend most on their time on various social media platforms. Hence it is not surprising that business organizations, including recruitment agencies are trying to tap the potential of this rapidly expanding marketplace for their own benefits. For most recruiters social media channels offer an effective means to connect with potential clients on a more personal level. This enhances the overall efficiency of the recruitment process and also helps the hiring teams to reach out to the passive candidates in an easy and discreet manner.
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Influence Of Social Media On International Recruitments

As mentioned before, an increasing number of business organizations are looking to hire international candidates. In most such cases, the recruiters have shown a preference for using social media channels as it ensures faster connectivity with candidates besides gaining an almost immediate response from them about their interest in the proposed job position. The channels can be used for carrying out extensive interactions with candidates in real time. In addition, they provide the hiring teams with countless opportunities to promote the client organization amidst the right candidates. Most importantly using these channels opens up an entire world of recruitment opportunities in the form of referrals.
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A Cost Effective Way To Expand The Talent Pool

Another major benefit that the use of social media can ensure for a headhunter Germany is its cost-effectiveness in terms of expanding the talent pool. Such agencies are constantly seeking new and diverse talent to fulfil the demands of their clients. By establishing a strong presence on social media, these recruiters can easily gain access to countless potential candidates suited for various job roles. This proves to be a more cost effective option as compared to using the traditional methods of searching for potential candidates through well established networks or asking all the potential candidates to submit their resumes.
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A Highly Convenient And Hassle Free Option

One of the biggest advantages that recruiters gain by using social media as an important recruitment tool is that it is extremely convenient and hassle free. It eliminates the need of handling mountains of paperwork in the form of CV’s, applications and other similar documents. At the same time it ensures easy record keeping of the interactions being held with respondents. 

Contacts & Management -The Best Headhunters In Germany

Difference Between A Headhunter And Recruiter When a firm hires a headhunter, they hold the responsibility of identifying the talent and q...